# coding: utf-8 # # category.rb # # Copyright (c) 2003 Junichiro KITA # Distributed under the GPL # require 'pstore' autoload :Kconv, 'kconv' # # initialize # def category_init @conf['category.header1'] ||= %Q[

\n<%= category_navi %>\n

\n] @conf['category.header2'] ||= %Q[

Categories |\n<%= category_list %>\n

\n] @conf['category.edit_support'] = true if @conf['category.edit_support'].nil? end category_init def category_icon_location_init @category_icon_dir = (@conf['category.icon_dir'] || './icons/').sub(%r|/*$|, '/') @category_icon_url = (@conf['category.icon_url'] || './icons/').sub(%r|/*$|, '/') end def category_icon_init category_icon_location_init @conf['category.icon'] ||= '' @category_icon = {} @conf['category.icon'].split(/\n/).each do |l| c, i = l.split next if c.nil? or i.nil? @category_icon[c] = i if File.exists?("#{@category_icon_dir}#{i}".untaint) end end category_icon_init # # plugin methods # def category_form # don't you need this method any more? end def category_anchor(*categories) return category_anchor2(*categories) if(@mode == 'categoryview'); # because @date is not defined in TDiaryCategoryView and then @date.year raises NoMethodError. category = categories.first period = @conf['category.period'] || 'quarter' period_string = case period when "month" "year=#{@date.year};month=#{'%02d' % @date.month};" when "quarter" "year=#{@date.year};month=#{(@date.month - 1) / 3 + 1}Q;" when "half" "year=#{@date.year};month=#{(@date.month - 1) / 6 + 1}H;" when "year" "year=#{@date.year};" else "" end return %Q|[#{categories.map{|category| @category_icon[category] ? %Q[#{h category}] : h(category)}.join('|')}]| if @category_icon[category] and !@conf.mobile_agent? %Q|#{h category}| else %Q|[#{h category}]| end end def category_anchor2(*categories) info = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf, {:category=>categories}); label = '['+ categories.map{|category| @category_icon[category] ? %Q[#{CGI::escapeHTML(category)}] : CGI::escapeHTML(category)}.join('|') + ']'; info.make_anchor(label); end def category_navi_anchor(info, label, mobile = false) if mobile then "|#{info.make_anchor(label)}" else (label.nil? || label.empty?) ? '' : %Q[#{info.make_anchor(label)}\n] end end def category_navi mobile = @conf.mobile_agent? info = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf) mode = info.mode result = '' case mode when :year, :half, :quarter, :month all_diary = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf, :year => -1, :month => -1) all = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf, :category => ['ALL'], :year => -1, :month => -1) result << category_navi_anchor(info.prev, @conf['category.prev_' + mode.to_s], mobile) result << category_navi_anchor(info.next, @conf['category.next_' + mode.to_s], mobile) unless mobile then result << category_navi_anchor(all_diary, @conf['category.all_diary']) result << category_navi_anchor(all, @conf['category.all']) end when :all year = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf, :year => Time.now.year.to_s) half = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf, :year => Time.now.year.to_s, :month => "#{((Time.now.month - 1) / 6 + 1)}H") quarter = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf, :year => Time.now.year.to_s, :month => "#{((Time.now.month - 1) / 3 + 1)}Q") month = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf, :year => Time.now.year.to_s, :month => '%02d' % Time.now.month) result << category_navi_anchor(year, @conf['category.this_year'], mobile) result << category_navi_anchor(half, @conf['category.this_half'], mobile) result << category_navi_anchor(quarter, @conf['category.this_quarter'], mobile) result << category_navi_anchor(month, @conf['category.this_month'], mobile) end if !info.category.include?('ALL') and !mobile then all_category = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf, :category => ['ALL']) result << category_navi_anchor(all_category, @conf['category.all_category']) end result end def category_list_sections info = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf) category = info.category years = info.years r = '' raise ::TDiary::NotFound if @categorized.empty? and bot? @categorized.to_a.sort_by{|e| e[0].downcase}.each do |c, v| info.category = c if @category_icon[c] img = %Q|#{h c}| else img = '' end r << <


HTML end r end def category_list_sections_mobile info = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf) category = info.category years = info.years r = '' raise ::TDiary::NotFound if @categorized.empty? and bot? @categorized.to_a.sort_by{|e| e[0].downcase}.each do |c, v| info.category = [c] r << "


" r << "" end r end def category_list info = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf) @categories.map do |c| info.category = [c] info.make_anchor end.join(" | \n") end def category_dropdown_list(label = nil, multiple = nil) label ||= 'Categorize!' multiple ||= false info = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf) category = info.category if category.empty? return '' if @conf.mobile_agent? category = ['ALL'] end options = '' (['ALL'] + @categories.sort_by{|e| e.downcase}).each do |c| options << %Q|\t\t\n| end params = '' params << %Q[] if info.year params << %Q[] if info.month <
HTML end def c_anchor(s) a = anchor(s) return a unless @category_info a << (a.index('?') ? ';' : '?') a << @category_info.query_string a.chomp!(';'); a.chomp!('?') return a end def navi_user_category a = '' unless @category_info.category.empty? s = %q[カテゴリ%sに属するセクションのみを表示しています。(他のカテゴリも表示)] s1 = h( @category_info.category.map{|c| "[#{c}]"}.join('') ) s2 = @cgi.request_uri.gsub(/category=[^;&]*[;&]?/, ''); s2.chomp!('&'); s2.chomp!(';'); s2.chomp!('?') a << (s % [s1, s2]) end return a end # # misc # def category_icon_save @conf['category.icon'] = @category_icon.map {|c, i| "#{c} #{i}"}.join("\n") end module Category # # CGI (mock-up CGI class for Cache::recreate) # class CGI attr_reader :params def initialize @params = Hash.new([]) end def referer; nil; end def script_name; nil; end def user_agent; nil; end def request_method; 'GET'; end end # # Info # class Info include ERB::Util def initialize(cgi, years, conf, args = {}) @cgi = cgi @years = years @conf = conf @category = args[:category] || @cgi.params['category'].map {|c| Kconv.isutf8(c) ? c : @conf.to_native(c, @conf.encoding_old) } @year = args[:year] || @cgi.params['year'][0] @month = args[:month] || @cgi.params['month'][0] @mode = :all set_mode end protected attr_writer :year attr_writer :month public attr :category, true attr_reader :year attr_reader :month attr_reader :mode def prev pp = self.dup case mode when :half h = @month.to_i if h == 1 pp.month = "2H" pp.year = (@year.to_i - 1).to_s if @year else pp.month = "1H" end when :quarter q = @month.to_i if q == 1 pp.month = "4Q" pp.year = (@year.to_i - 1).to_s if @year else pp.month = "#{q - 1}Q" end when :month m = @month.to_i if m == 1 pp.month = "12" pp.year = (@year.to_i - 1).to_s if @year else pp.month = '%02d' % (m - 1) end when :year pp.year = (@year.to_i - 1).to_s end pp end def next pp = self.dup case mode when :half h = @month.to_i if h == 2 pp.month = "1H" pp.year = (@year.to_i + 1).to_s if @year else pp.month = "2H" end when :quarter q = @month.to_i if q == 4 pp.month = "1Q" pp.year = (@year.to_i + 1).to_s if @year else pp.month = "#{q + 1}Q" end when :month m = @month.to_i if m == 12 pp.month = "01" pp.year = (@year.to_i + 1).to_s if @year else pp.month = '%02d' % (m + 1) end when :year pp.year = (@year.to_i + 1).to_s end pp end def make_anchor(label = nil) if label case mode when :year label = label.gsub(/\$1/, @year) when :month, :quarter, :half label = label.gsub(/\$2/, @month) label = label.gsub(/\$1/, @year || '*') end else label = @category.to_a.join(':') end %Q|#{h label}| end def query_string qs = @category.map {|c| "category=#{u(c)}"}.join(';') qs << ";year=#{@year}" if @year qs << ";month=#{@month}" if @month qs end # # return ym_spec # # {"yyyy" => ["mm", ...], ...} # # date spec: # (1) none -> all diary # (2) month=xH -> all diary in xH of all year # (3) year=YYYY;month=xH -> all diary in YYYY/xH # (4) month=xQ -> all diary in xQ of all year # (5) year=YYYY;month=xQ -> all diary in YYYY/xQ # (6) month=MM -> all diary in MM of all year # (7) year=YYYY;month=MM -> all diary in YYYY/MM # (8) year=YYYY -> all diary in YYYY # def years if @mode == :all return @years end months = case @mode when :half [('01'..'06'), ('07'..'12')][@month.to_i - 1].to_a when :quarter [['01', '02', '03'], ['04', '05', '06'], ['07', '08', '09'], ['10', '11', '12']][@month.to_i - 1] when :month [@month] else ('01'..'12').to_a end r = {} (@year ? [@year] : @years.keys).each do |y| r[y] = months end r end # # date spec: # (1) none -> all # (2) month=xH -> half # (3) year=YYYY;month=xH -> half # (4) month=xQ -> quarter # (5) year=YYYY;month=xQ -> quarter # (6) month=MM -> month # (7) year=YYYY;month=MM -> month # (8) year=YYYY -> year # def set_mode if @year.nil? and @month.nil? @mode = :all end if /\d{4}/ === @year.to_s @mode = :year else @year = nil end if /[12]H/ === @month.to_s @mode = :half elsif /[1-4]Q/ === @month.to_s @mode = :quarter elsif (1..12).include?(@month.to_i) @mode = :month else @month = nil end end end # # Cache # class Cache include ERB::Util def initialize(conf, bind) @conf = conf @binding = bind # ...... very ugly @dir = "#{conf.data_path}category" Dir.mkdir(@dir) unless File.exist?(@dir) end def add_categories(list) return if list.nil? or list.empty? replace_categories(restore_categories + list) end def replace_categories(list) PStore.new(cache_file).transaction do |db| db['category'] = list.sort.uniq end end # # restore category names # ["category1", "category2", ...] # def restore_categories list = nil PStore.new(cache_file).transaction(readonly=true) do |db| list = db['category'] if db.root?('category') db.abort end list || [] end # # cache each section of diary # used in update_proc # def replace_sections(diary) return if diary.nil? or !diary.categorizable? categorized = categorize_diary(diary) categories = restore_categories deleted = [] ymd = diary.date.strftime('%Y%m%d') categories.each do |c| PStore.new(cache_file(c)).transaction do |db| db['category'] = {} unless db.root?('category') if categorized[c] and diary.visible? db['category'].update(categorized[c]) else # diary is invisible or sections of this category is deleted db.abort unless db['category'].delete(ymd) deleted << c if db['category'].empty? end end end if !deleted.empty? deleted.each do |c| File.unlink(cache_file(c)) end replace_categories(categories - deleted) end end # # (re)create category cache # def recreate(years) cgi = Category::CGI::new list = [] years.each do |y, ms| ms.each do |m| ym = "#{y}#{m}" cgi.params['date'] = [ym] m = TDiaryMonth.new(cgi, '', @conf) sections = {} m.diaries.each do |ymd, diary| next if !diary.visible? initial_replace_sections(diary) diary.each_section do |s| list |= s.categories unless s.categories.empty? end end end end replace_categories(list) end # # categorize sections of category of years # # {"category" => {"yyyymmdd" => [[idx, title, excerpt], ...], ...}, ...} # def categorize(category, years) categories = category - ['ALL'] if categories.empty? categories = restore_categories else categories &= restore_categories end categorized = {} begin categorized.clear categories.each do |c| PStore.new(cache_file(c)).transaction(readonly=true) do |db| categorized[c] = db['category'] db.abort end categorized[c].keys.each do |ymd| y, m = ymd[0,4], ymd[4,2] if years[y].nil? or !years[y].include?(m) categorized[c].delete(ymd) end end categorized.delete(c) if categorized[c].empty? end rescue NoMethodError # when categorized[c] is nil recreate(years) retry end categorized end private def cache_file(category = nil) if category "#{@dir}/#{u( ''+category ).gsub(/%20/,'+')}".untaint else "#{@dir}/category_list" end end # # categorize sections of diary # # {"category" => {"yyyymmdd" => [[idx, title, excerpt], ...]}} # def categorize_diary(diary) categorized = {} ymd = diary.date.strftime('%Y%m%d') one_stripped_subtitle = lambda{|s, stripped_one| (s.categories.map{|c| c == stripped_one ? "" : %Q<<%=category_anchor("#{c}")%>> } + [' ', s.stripped_subtitle_to_html] ).join('') } idx = 0 diary.each_section do |s| idx +=1 next if s.categories.empty? shorten = begin body = "apply_plugin(#{s.body_to_html.dump}, true)" @conf.shorten eval(body.untaint, @binding, "category.rb:619:#{ymd}p#{idx}", 1) rescue NameError "" end s.categories.each do |c| categorized[c] = {} if categorized[c].nil? categorized[c][ymd] = [] if categorized[c][ymd].nil? categorized[c][ymd] << [idx, one_stripped_subtitle.call(s, c), shorten] end end categorized end # # cache each section of diary # used in recreate # def initial_replace_sections(diary) return if diary.nil? or !diary.visible? or !diary.categorizable? categorized = categorize_diary(diary) categorized.keys.each do |c| PStore.new(cache_file(c)).transaction do |db| db['category'] = {} unless db.root?('category') db['category'].update(categorized[c]) end end end end end # module Category # read cache here so that you can use category with secure mode. @category_cache = Category::Cache.new(@conf, binding) # # display categories you use on update form # @conf['category.edit_support'] and add_edit_proc do |date| ret = '' unless @categories.size == 0 then ret << %Q[ ] ret << '
' ret << "#{@category_conf_label}:\n" @categories.sort_by{|e| e.downcase}.each do |c| ret << %Q!| #{h c}\n! end ret << "|\n
\n" end end # # when update diary, update cache # add_update_proc do if /^(append|replace)$/ =~ @mode cache = @category_cache list = [] diary = @diaries[@date.strftime('%Y%m%d')] diary.each_section do |s| list |= s.categories end cache.add_categories(list) cache.replace_sections(diary) end end # # configuration # def category_icon_find_icons return if @category_all_icon @category_all_icon = [] %w(png jpg gif bmp).each do |e| @category_all_icon += Dir.glob("#{@category_icon_dir}*.#{e}".untaint).map {|i| File.basename(i)} end @category_all_icon.sort! end def category_icon_select(category) options = %Q|<\t\n| @category_all_icon.each do |i| options << %Q|\t\n| end < #{options} HTML end def category_icon_sample @category_all_icon.map do |i| %Q|#{h i}\n| end.join("/\n") end if @mode == 'conf' || @mode == 'saveconf' add_conf_proc( 'category', @category_conf_label, 'basic' ) do cache = @category_cache if @mode == 'saveconf' if @cgi.valid?( 'category_initialize' ) @category_cache.recreate(@years) end [ 'category.header1', 'category.header2', ].each do |name| @conf[name] = @conf.to_native( @cgi.params[name][0] ) end [ 'category.prev_year', 'category.next_year', 'category.prev_half', 'category.next_half', 'category.prev_quarter', 'category.next_quarter', 'category.prev_month', 'category.next_month', 'category.this_year', 'category.this_half', 'category.this_quarter', 'category.this_month', 'category.all_diary', 'category.all_category', 'category.all', ].each do |name| @conf[name] = @conf.to_native( @cgi.params[name][0] ) end if ["month", "quarter", "half", "year", "all"].index(@cgi.params["category.period"][0]) @conf["category.period"] = @cgi.params["category.period"][0] end @conf['category.edit_support'] = (@cgi.params['category.edit_support'][0] == 'true') end category_conf_html end category_icon_find_icons if @cgi.params['conf'][0] == 'category_icon' add_conf_proc( 'category_icon', @category_icon_conf_label, 'basic' ) do if @mode == 'saveconf' unless @conf.secure [ 'category.icon_dir', 'category.icon_url', ].each do |name| @conf[name] = @cgi.params[name][0].sub(%r|/*$|, '/') end category_icon_location_init end @cgi.params.keys.each do |key| next unless /\Acategory\.icon\..*\z/ === key category = key.sub(/\Acategory\.icon\./, '') if @cgi.params[key][0] == 'none' @category_icon.delete(category) else @category_icon[category] = @cgi.params[key][0] end end category_icon_save end category_icon_conf_html end end @categories = @category_cache.restore_categories @category_info = Category::Info.new(@cgi, @years, @conf) rescue nil if @mode == 'categoryview' @categorized = @category_cache.categorize(@category_info.category, @category_info.years) end # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # indent-tabs-mode: t # tab-width: 3 # ruby-indent-level: 3 # End: # vim: ts=3