最終更新: 2012-01-20T00:09+0900
arr = [true] * 2_000_000 sum = 0 2.upto(arr.size-1){|i| next unless arr[i] sum += i i.step(arr.size-1, i){|j| arr[j] = false } } p sum p Process.times
require 'mathn' trinums = lambda{ tri, n = 0, 1 return lambda{ tri, n = tri+n, n+1 return tri } }.call loop{ tri = trinums.call div = tri.prime_division.inject(1){|d,_| f,e = *_; d*(e+1) } if 500 < div puts tri p Process.times exit end }
number_of_chain = lambda{ memo = {1=>1} this = lambda{|n| return memo[n] || (memo[n] = 1 + this[n%2==0 ? n/2 : 3*n+1]) } return this }.call p (1...1_000_000).max_by{|_| number_of_chain[_] } p Process.times
cc = lambda{ return this = lambda{|n| count, num = 0, n digit1000 = num / 1000 if 0 < digit1000 count += this[digit1000] + 'thausand'.length num -= digit1000 * 1000 count += 'and'.length if num != 0 end digit100 = num / 100 if 0 < digit100 count += this[digit100] + 'hundred'.length num -= digit100 * 100 count += 'and'.length if num != 0 end digit10 = num / 10 if 2 <= digit10 count += { 20=>'twenty'.length, 30=>'thirty'.length, 40=>'forty'.length, 50=>'fifty'.length, 60=>'sixty'.length, 70=>'seventy'.length, 80=>'eighty'.length, 90=>'ninety'.length, }[digit10*10] num -= digit10 * 10 end if num != 0 count += { 1=>'one'.length, 2=>'two'.length, 3=>'three'.length, 4=>'four'.length, 5=>'five'.length, 6=>'six'.length, 7=>'seven'.length, 8=>'eight'.length, 9=>'nine'.length, 10=>'ten'.length, 11=>'eleven'.length, 12=>'twelve'.length, 13=>'thirteen'.length, 14=>'fourteen'.length, 15=>'fifteen'.length, 16=>'sixteen'.length, 17=>'seventeen'.length, 18=>'eighteen'.length, 19=>'nineteen'.length }[num] end return count } }.call p (1..1000).inject(0){|sum,n| sum + cc[n] }
問題文が難しかった。閏年の条件として "A leap year occurs on any year evenly divisible by 4, but not on a century unless it is divisible by 400." って書いてあったけど、centuryって XX01年から XY00年の 100年間を指す語だと思ってるから、"a century"が XY00年のことだけを示してるとは思わなくて、結果的に 100の条件を読み飛ばした上に 400の条件を逆にとらえてた。
days_of_month = lambda{|year,month| return 31 if [1,3,5,7,8,10,12].include?(month) return 30 if [4,6,9,11].include?(month) return 29 if year % 400 == 0 return 28 if year % 100 == 0 return 29 if year % 4 == 0 return 28 } dow = 1 # 日月火水木金土=0123456. 1=Monday. 1900-01-01 was a Monday. (1..12).each{|month| dow = (dow + days_of_month[1900,month]) % 7 } # Now dow indicates the day of 1901-01-01. count = 0 (1901..2000).each{|year| (1..12).each{|month| count += 1 if dow == 0 dow = (dow + days_of_month[year,month]) % 7 } } p count
d = lambda{|n| divsum = 1 t, tmax = 2, n while t < tmax q, r = *n.divmod(t) divsum += (t!=q ? t+q : t) if r == 0 t, tmax = t+1, q end return divsum } p (1..10000).inject(0){|sum,n| dn = d[n] sum + (n < dn && d[dn] == n ? n+dn : 0) }
class Integer def abundant? divsum = 1 t, tmax = 2, self while t < tmax q, r = *self.divmod(t) divsum += (t!=q ? t+q : t) if r == 0 t, tmax = t+1, q end return self < divsum end end expressible = [false] * (28123+1) abundant = [] (1..(28123-12)).select(&:abundant?).each{|n| abundant << n abundant.each{|a| break if expressible.size <= a+n expressible[a+n] = true } } p (1..28123).inject(0){|sum,n| sum + (expressible[n] ? 0 : n) }