Cleaning up 703 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9. Cleaning up 703 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9. Cleaning up 703 unused security descriptors.」と「
CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the master file table (MFT) bitmap. CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the volume bitmap. Windows has made corrections to the file system.」あたり。不良セクタはなし。一時見失ったのはこの HDD(20150812p01)なんだけど、ここまでの稼働実績を持つ現状維持を抜け出し SSDに転換する踏ん切りをつけるには致命度が足りない。不良セクタのひとつでもあれば良かったのに。